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NED_Commissioning M14.0_HLRi

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积分 300
帖子 75
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专家指数 -75
注册 2011-7-19
专业方向  电子信息
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发表于 2012-08-11 19:30:14  只看楼主 
【资料名称】:NED_Commissioning M14.0_HLRi






1 Introduction to commissioning MSCi, Transit MSCi, Compact MSCi,
HLRi, Integrated MSS, MSC Server, CDS 9
2 Commissioning preparation 11
2.1 Installation 11
2.2 Devices and tools for inspections and testing 11
2.3 Documents needed in testing 12
3 Initial inspections at commissioning 15
3.1 Inspecting HW material according to the site documents 15
3.2 Inspecting jumper settings 16
3.3 Inspecting message bus connections 16
3.4 Inspecting the power supply 20
3.5 Installing the plug-in units in the cartridges 22
3.6 Inspecting the peripheral unit 23
3.7 Inspecting the message bus address of processor units 25
3.8 Inspecting the condition of MB cables and MBIF plug-in units 26
3.9 Inspecting the hard disk units 27
3.10 Using several CHUs in the MSC 30
3.11 Starting up the network element 31
3.12 Creating HW configuration 38
3.13 CDSU pools 40
3.14 Inspecting LAN (Ethernet) switches 41
4 Inspecting authority data, software versions, and I/O system 43
4.1 Opening the first session, verification of the authority data 43
4.2 Inspecting software versions 46
4.3 Inspecting the I/O devices 47
4.4 Inspecting output control 48
4.5 Checking and testing backup devices 48
4.6 Checking MO91 Magneto-Optical disks 49
5 Inspecting the maintenance system 51
5.1 Checking the supervision system 51
5.2 Testing the wired alarms 52
5.3 Testing the external alarms 55
5.4 Testing fuse fault in supply cable 59
6 Inspecting unit diagnostics and working states 61
6.1 Inspecting state transitions and diagnostics of the OMU 63

2012-8-11 19:30:14  下载次数: 5
NED_Commissioning M14.0_HLRi.pdf (488.75 KB)
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