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积分 332
帖子 70
威望 1979 个
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专家指数 -18
注册 2011-2-10
专业方向  网络优化
回答问题数 0
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发表于 2012-05-31 17:19:18  只看楼主 






Q1: Can you fill in, the channel types below?

Refer to the diagram below, choose the parts that are responsible for: Q2.1 OSS = used for network planning, operations, maintenance, supervision and development? Q2.2 TRC/TRAU = compresses the speech data as required by the air interface? Q2.3 VLR = a temporary database that stores subscriber information ? Q2.4 BGW = conversion and exchange of billing information? Q2.5 BSC = control functions between the MSC and BTSs, management of channels on the air interface and handovers?
Refer to the diagram below: OSS = used for network planning, operations, maintenance, supervision and development? TRC/TRAU = compresses the speech data as required by the air interface? VLR = a temporary database that stores subscriber information ? BGW = conversion and exchange of billing information? BSC = control functions between the MSC and BTSs, management of channels on the air interface and handovers?
GSM Basic (Network Switching Sub-System)
GSM Basic (Base Station Sub-System)
GSM Basic (Network Management Sub-System)
Q3.1If two or more criterias for a handover are present simultaneously for a regular TRX, Please rank the priority order for the following HO causes:
If two or more criterias for a handover are present simultaneously for a regular TRX, Please rank the priority order for the following HO causes:

Q4.1What parameter that you indicate whether the BTS power budget handover control is enabled?
EPB: enablePwrBudgetHandover
Q4.2hoPeriodPBGT (HPP)is a ADJ Level parameter.With this parameter you define the interval between power budget handover threshold comparisons with neighbors (TRUE or FALSE?)
Q4.3Assuming you have sethoPeriodPBGT (HPP) = 6 now, what value will you set to make the interval between power budget handover threshold comparisons every 6 seconds?

enablePwrBudgetHandover (EPB) [ HOC Level ]:
With this parameter you indicate whether the BTS power budget handover control is enabled.
Think of this as:You have a house.Do you want electricity in your house? Or no electricity in your house?
Q5.1 Is there any parameter to enable/disable the Level HO? (YES/NO) YES:MRGS Q5.2 What is the meaning of dtxMode (DTX) = 2 ? MS shall not use DTX Q5.3 Please work out and indicate the level handover “trigger point” with the given parameter setting below? Q5.4 What are the possible parameter changes you will make to make the trigger point to happen EARLIER than the trigger point you have just calculated?

Q7.1 Is there any parameter to enable/disable the Level HO? (YES/NO) YES Q7.2 What is the meaning of dtxMode (DTX) = 2 ? (MS shall not use DTX) Q7.3 Please work out and indicate the level handover “trigger point” with the given parameter setting below? Q7.4 What are the possible parameter changes you will make to make the trigger point to happen EARLIER than the trigger point you have just calculated?

2012-5-31 17:19:18  下载次数: 15
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