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[招聘] 美国Brion Technologies公司

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积分 2321
帖子 127
威望 15658 个
礼品券 0 个
专家指数 0
注册 2007-8-23
回答问题数 0
回答被采纳数 0
回答采纳率 0%
发表于 2007-09-11 12:09:25  只看楼主 
美国Brion Technologies公司(是于2002年在美国硅谷与世界一流学府斯坦福大学合作成立的一家高科技开发公司,主要从事半导体设计与制造相关工具的研究与开发,包括设计自动化软件和制造设备,特别是光刻技术的研究与开发,目前在90纳米及以下尺寸的半导体光刻技术方面处于世界先进水平,其中光刻工艺硬件加速仿真技术TachyonTM和世界首创的超分辨成像探测技术AerionTM(用于光刻工艺的检测与控制)居世界顶尖水平。公司主要成员均毕业于美国斯坦福大学、普林斯顿大学、加州理工学院等世界一流大学,其管理人员曾任职于Intel, KLA-Tencor, ReadRite, JPMorgan, Samsung等世界著名企业,工程技术人员则来自Intel, KLA-Tencor, Synopsys, Applied Materials, Bell Lab, ASML等世界著名企业,拥有丰富的经验和骄人的业绩。公司技术委员会成员还包括世界光刻技术权威、斯坦福大学教授Fabian Pease先生等三位美国工程院院士。


为进一步增强公司的研发实力,充分发掘和开拓中国这个高速发展并充满活力的全新市场,并以此辐射整个亚太地区,Brion Technologies公司于2004年7月在广东深圳成立了中国分公司:睿初科技(深圳)有限公司(Brion Technologies (Shenzhen)Co., Ltd.),与公司总部同步进行有关技术和产品的研究与开发,目前已有毕业于清华大学、北京大学、中国科技大学、中国科学院、复旦大学、上海交通大学、北京航空航天大学、浙江大学、武汉大学、华中科技大学、电子科技大学、西北工业大学、西安电子科技大学、南京航空航天大学、香港大学、香港中文大学的博士、硕士毕业生加入了公司的研发团队,为实现自己的人生理想和担负推动全球半导体产业发展的社会使命而共同努力。公司现在正与清华大学展开合作,联合进行相关技术的研究工作。随着技术研究的不断深入,公司将逐步扩大与其他高校和研究所的合作,共同构建一个具有世界一流水平的开发技术平台。

此外,国际著名光刻机生产商ASML(于今年三月九日完成了对Brion Technologies的并购,从此Brion Technologies既成为ASML的独立分公司。这将给世界半导体光刻领域带来积极、深远的影响。


Software Quality Assurance Engineers
Application software Engineers
Product Engineers
Algorithm Engineers


R&D Engineer(AS, SQA, PEG & OPC)


Required for every individual hire:

Must view this job as a long-term regular job; no outside engagement such as consulting is allowed, except for during the transition period
Must be reliable with high integrity
Strong desires to learn and explore new technologies.
Self-initiative and ability to work in a team
Minimum Bachelor degree, preferably MS, in physics, EE, computer engineering, computer science, or related fields of engineering and science

Job BC-001, Software Quality Assurance Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

Design, develop, execute, and maintain test suites for company products.
Analyze test results to ensure existing and new functionalities.
Work with R&D and product engineers to improve reliability, functionality, and usability of company products.

Job requirements:

Basic knowledge of software engineering and computer programming
Detail orientated work habit.
Willingness and patience in carrying out some repetitive tasks, such as manual testing.
Team player
Able to carry out technical communication in English
Bachelor degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering.

Desired but not required:

Familiarity with UNIX environment, C/C++, scripting languages, databases.
Familiarity with automated testing tools and bug tracking tools.
Good understanding of software testing process and testing methodologies.
Familiarity with QA concepts and methodology.
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design

Job BC-002, Application Software Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

General application software development, such as GUI, script

Job requirements:

Proficiency in C/C++ programming
Enjoy computer software programming as a profession
Team player
Able to carry out technical communication in English
Bachelor or Master’s degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering

Desired but not required:

Familiarity with UNIX/Linux or Windows environments.
Familiarity with Scripting languages (sh, perl, lua, etc.)
Database skills
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design

Job BC-003, Product Engineer

Roles /Responsibilities:

Take part in new products R&D and quality assurance
Evaluate companys products and provide the evaluation reports according to customers requirement
Support global customers, help customers to use companys products effectively.

Job requirements:

Basic knowledge of software engineering and computer programming
Detail orientated work habit
Team player
Excellent communication skills in English, both writing and speaking
Solid training and knowledge base in mathematics and physics
Bachelor or Master’s degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering

Desired but not required:

Familiarity with UNIX environment, C/C++, scripting languages, databases
Familiarity and experience with computer systems and computer networks
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography, semiconductor manufacturing, and IC design
Job BC- 004, Algorithm Engineer

Roles /Responsibilities:

Algorithm and recipe development for optical proximity correction products.
Technical support of our products for customers all over the world.

Job requirements:

Familiar with C/C++ programming.
Strong analytical skills and high creativity
Detail orientated work habit
Team player
Bachelor or Master’s degree, in computer science, physics, EE, mathematics, or any related fields of science and engineering

Desired but not required:

Proficiency in algorithm and code optimization.
Knowledge of computer graphics, computational geometry
Familiarity with UNIX environment, scripting languages
Knowledge in semiconductor lithography and IC design

Please send your resume with recent photo to

Contact Information: or

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