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Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications

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积分 35
帖子 7
威望 211 个
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注册 2011-11-17
专业方向  通信工程
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发表于 2012-02-01 18:30:47  只看楼主 
【资料名称】:Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications

【资料作者】:Mohammed Elmusrati





There is a hidden fact that many researchers and professionals do not pay enough attention
to. This is that control engineering is one of the main pillars of modern communication systems
in both hardware and algorithms. On the hardware front, we know the importance of the phaselocked
loop (PLL) and its modified version, the delay-locked loop (DLL), in the implementation
of communication receivers.We can say that phase-locked loops are an essential part of all
kinds of today’s communication receivers. These systems are simply small closed-loop control
systems. From an algorithmic point of view, the multiple access control (MAC) layer is based
on control theory concepts. Some examples are power control, rate control, scheduling,
handover, and generally radio resource management algorithms. When there is feedback
measurement and action based on that measurement, then there is control engineering.We may
generalize this view to include all kinds of adaptive systems such as equalizers, beamforming
antennas, adaptive modulation and coding. Therefore, if we think of the modern communications
system in terms of the human body, then control algorithms are the heart and
communication algorithms are the blood. This is a general view of the contribution of control
engineering in telecommunications. Moreover, if we extend this vision to include system
engineering, which means in addition to control engineering, system identification and
modeling, the contribution is much more. Channel identification and modeling is one major
requirement in the design of transmitters and receivers. However, this inherent integration
between communication and control is not that visible for many people. This is one reason why
you have this book in front of you now. We have tried to show some of the applications of
control engineering in communication systems, but we did not want to just collect algorithms
from literature and bind them together into a reference book.We wanted to generate one easyto-
read book which is accessible to a wide range of readers from senior undergraduate students
up to researchers and site engineers. To achieve this target, we have included many numerical examples and exercises. A key approach to becoming more familiar and understanding the
deep secrets of sophisticated control algorithms is through simulation. Therefore MATLAB/
Simulink is used as a tool to illustrate the concepts and shows promise in a diversity of ways to
attack problems. We believe that Simulink can provide a more transparent way of studying,
for example in the simulation of self-tuning estimators and controls and Kalman filters.

2012-2-1 18:30:47  下载次数: 2
Systems Engineering in Wireless Communications.pdf (5.49 MB)
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