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[下载] survey of channel and radio propagation models for wireless

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注册 2011-2-1
专业方向  lte
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发表于 2011-11-24 10:51:05  只看楼主 
【资料名称】:survey of channel and radio propagation models for wireless

【资料作者】:P. Almers, 1 E. Bonek, 2 A. Burr, 3 N. C





This paper provides an overview of the state-of-the-art radio propagation and channel models for wireless multiple-input
multiple-output (MIMO) systems. We distinguish between physical models and analytical models and discuss popular examples
from both model types. Physical models focus on the double-directional propagation mechanisms between the location of trans-
mitter and receiver without taking the antenna configuration into account. Analytical models capture physical wave propagation
and antenna configuration simultaneously by describing the impulse response (equivalently, the transfer function) between the
antenna arrays at both link ends. We also review some MIMO models that are included in current standardization activities for
the purpose of reproducible and comparable MIMO system evaluations. Finally, we describe a couple of key features of channels
and radio propagation which are not su ffi ciently included in current MIMO models.

2011-11-24 10:51:05  下载次数: 13
Survey of Channel and Radio Propagation Models for Wireless MIMO Systems.pdf (450.19 KB)
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    • onlyjim 威望 +5 个
      · 感谢分享 详细.. 发表与:2014-9-15 18:07:18
    • smartcat 威望 +10 个
      · 加分,很好的资料 详细.. 发表与:2011-11-24 21:54:31
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