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[下载] 史上最全的Moshell学习使用资料

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发表于 2011-10-20 21:54:13  只看楼主  QQ

【资料作者】:Cruiser Den






1,lt/ltc[1-9]:Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table.
lt stands for Load MO Types, ltc stands for Load MO Types and their Children. The
numeric option in ltc is for specifying the number of levels of children to load. Without the option, all levels of children are loaded.
lt指令是最常用的指令,进入moshell之后,首先用lt从库中取mo,要不然你就看不到啥东西。通过在lt后面配置不同的过滤器可以有选择的装载mo,例如lt all是全部mo,lt iub只取包含(模糊查找)iub的mo。当MO发生变化,例如删除,添加,修改参数。需要lt root更新一下,再用lt all等取mo。

mom[tcd]Print description of MO classes, CM/FM attributes, actions, enums and structs.
lt/ltc[1-9]Load MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table.
lc[1-9]/lccLoad MO tree (full or partial) and build proxy table.
lu/llu Unload MOs from MO tree.
pr/lpr Print MO LDNs and proxy ids for all or part of the MO tree currently loaded in moshell.
ma/lma Add MO(s) to an MO group.
mr/lmr Remove an MO group or remove MOs from an MO group (MOs will NOT be deleted, only the group).
mpPrint all defined MO groups.
get/lgetRead CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s).
hget[c]/lhget[c]Read CM/FM attribute(s) from MO(s), print horizontally one line per MO (instead of one line per attribute).
kget/lkgetDisplay CM/FM attributes in exportable printout format.
fro/lfro[m]Read MAO data of an MO and/or froid of the MO. Data read from SQL tables motype_r1 and modata_r2.
st/lst Print state of MOs (operationalState and administrativeState when applicable).
prodPrint productData of MO(s).
lk/llk View all MO's linked to an MO, and their states (admState and opState).
lko/llkoThe old lk. Messier than lk but supports a wider range of MO classes.
set[m][c]/lset[m][c]Set an attribute value on one or several MO's.
rset/lrsetSet attribute value on a restricted attribute or change the MOid of an MO.
bl[s]/lbl[s] Lock or soft-lock MO(s).
deb/ldebUnlock MO(s).
acl/laclLists available MO actions.
acc/laccExecute an MO action.

2011-10-20 21:54:13  下载次数: 28
Moshell_常用指令RNC版_part1.rar (835.71 KB)
2011-10-20 21:54:13  下载次数: 18
Moshell_常用指令RNC版_part2.rar (14.57 KB)
2011-10-20 21:54:13  下载次数: 23
Moshell_常用指令RNC版_part3.rar (422.82 KB)
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