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[下载] Programming Embedded Systems in C and C++

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注册 2009-5-9
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发表于 2010-11-21 22:00:56  只看楼主 
【资料名称】:Programming Embedded Systems in C and C+

【资料作者】:Michael Barr

【资料日期】:January 1999




Chapter 1 introduces you to embedded systems. It defines the term, gives examples, and explains why C and C++ were selected as the languages of the book.

Chapter 2 walks you through the process of writing a simple embedded program in C. This is roughly the equivalent of the "Hello, World" example presented in most other programming books.

Chapter 3 introduces the software development tools you will be using to prepare your programs for execution by an embedded processor.

Chapter 4 presents various techniques for loading your executable programs into an embedded system. It also describes the debugging tools and techniques that are available to you.

Chapter 5 outlines a simple procedure for learning about unfamiliar hardware platforms. After completing this chapter, you will be ready to write and debug simple embedded programs.

Chapter 6 tells you everything you need to know about memory in embedded systems. The chapter includes source code implementations of memory tests and Flash memory drivers.

Chapter 7 explains device driver design and implementation techniques and includes an example driver for a common peripheral called a timer.

Chapter 8 includes a very basic operating system that can be used in any embedded system. It also helps you decide if you'll need an operating system at all and, if so, whether to buy one or write your own.

Chapter 9 expands on the device driver and operating system concepts presented in the previous chapters. It explains how to control more complicated peripherals and includes a complete example application that pulls together everything you've learned so far.

Chapter 10 explains how to simultaneously increase the speed and decrease the memory requirements of your embedded software. This includes tips for taking advantage of the most beneficial C++ features without paying a significant performance penalty.

2010-11-21 22:00:56  下载次数: 1 (440.96 KB)
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