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[资料] More Mathematical Methods and Algorithms

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发表于 2009-09-11 01:23:19  只看楼主 
【资料名称】:More Mathematical Methods and Algorithms

【资料作者】:Todd K. Moon

【资料日期】:May 15, 2000




Why this book?
More Mathematical Methods and Algorithms is intended (eventually) to serve the same
vision as the original Methods: to provide a useful and thorough foundation in mathematics
that will help the signal processor understand and develop effective algorithms. In fact, the
material in this book was intended to be part of the original Methods, but was jettisoned as
the other exceeded reasonable bounds.
This material has not yet been edited, proofread, revised, and vetted. It is a certainty
that errors remain: read it with scepticism. Also, it is not yet in any sense complete. There
is new material I would eventually like to include. For example, closely associated with
the concept of interpolation, but tying in the Euclidean algorithm in a potent way, is the
method of lifting for wavelet transforms. This will ultimately be worked in.
I hope that even in its present form the material serves some benefit, which is why I am
making it available on the internet. If you care to comment on the material — particularly
to point out errors and suggestions for improvement— please do so.
— T.K.M.

2009-9-11 01:23:19  下载次数: 4
More Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing.pdf (1020.97 KB)
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