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提问者: my274246322  提问时间: 2009-04-25    

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塞拉利昂进步联盟( SLPU )是一个全国性的非政治性,非盈利性,非党派组织在北美地区成立于1994年5月,由一批爱国,艰苦奋斗塞拉利昂居住在美利坚合众国。 Our main objective is to provide guidance, assistance and support to all our members, the Sierra Leone Community, Organizations, and individuals affiliated with the union [SLPU] in anyway whatsoever, within the union’s capability in time of crisis or other related matters.我们的主要目标是提供指导,协助和支持我们的所有成员,塞拉利昂社区,组织和个人所属联盟[ SLPU ]无论在任何范围内,联盟的能力,在时间上的危机或其他有关事项。 mmvckjlurK:JFD()$#本文来自移动通信网www.mscbsc.com,版权所有
Our focus is to promote and maintain quality education, general welfare and co-operation among Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad.我们的重点是促进和维持高质量的教育,福利和一般之间的合作,塞拉利昂在国内和国外。 a21fd3s1fK:JFD()$#本文来自移动通信网www.mscbsc.com,版权所有
Membership is open to all regardless of age, race, gender, ethnicity, or national origin.会员资格是向所有人开放,不论年龄,种族,性别,种族或民族出身。 A Registration Form must be obtained, completed and returned to the General Secretary with $50.00 cash, check or money order made payable to SLPU.登记表 ,必须获得,完成并返回秘书长与$ 50.00现金,支票或汇票支付给SLPU 。 urewioK:JFD()本文来自移动通信网www.mscbsc.com,版权所有
New members’ expectations and benefits are determined by the union’s [SLPU's] constitution.新成员的期望和利益所决定的联盟[ SLPU的]宪法。
Membership contribution can be made monthly or annually according to the member’s wish, with the amount to be determined by union members.会员国的贡献,可每月或每年根据会员的愿望,同数额将取决于工会成员。 Voluntary contributions from members may be requested in emergencies on a case by case basis.成员的自愿捐款可能会要求在紧急情况下的逐案。 Monthly meetings will be hosted by members on a rotational basis and should me held on the first Sunday of each month.每月举行一次会议将由成员国轮流举行,并应我的第一个星期日每月。 ckjlureK:JFD()本文来自移动通信网www.mscbsc.com,版权所有

回答者: chenqc     回答时间:2009-04-25 18:55    

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